In my Leadership, Change and Innovation MBA class in the Crowell School of Business at Biola University, we spend one night exploring the topic of gender and leadership. And does that get some spicy and heated conversations!
There are stereotypes on both sides to be sure, but every time I do this exercise the results come out about the same. Unfortunately, in many cases the stereotypes are accurate.
I remember years ago I didn’t have a role model or perspective of what it meant to be a woman in a male dominated industry. And back then, the idea that our work was an expression of our faith and ministry was not common general discussion. So I didn’t know how to be a woman in a man’s world much less a Christian woman in business.
There is increasingly more conversation, books and resources today regarding women in the marketplace. Some are faith based and some are not. Some provide helpful tips and exhaustive research and others opportunities to join small group communities. It is sometimes a confusing topic and at other times, emotionally charged.
Helen has shown me what it means to be a professional Christian woman in the workplace.Her passion for leadership and Bible-centered teaching have pushed me to be more innovative, and has equipped me for my future career as an ambassador for Christ.
No doubt about it, God is stirring the hearts and minds of both men and women to really look at the role of women and his intended contribution in the world. In what I call the “Great Management Commission” In Genesis 1, both male and female are given the charge to rule and manage the earth with God’s authority.
While God has an open door to women, they also have an invitation to grow in character and competency and to become God’s Woman in a Man’s World.
As part of the Saddleback@Work ministry, in 2013 we launched Women@Work. Hundreds of women showed up to understand what it meant to be a Christian woman in the marketplace regardless of their job title, level or industry. Since then, annual conferences such as Woven: Women, the Word and the Working World, have emerged out of the Biola School of Business, just to name one example. Having had the honor of speaking at the Woven inaugural conference, I can tell you that the next generation is not going to settle for anything less than living as a Christian woman in the marketplace.
Helen M. Mitchell has a unique voice in the women in the marketplace conversation. As a previous executive she brings proven marketplace experience and credibility. As a minister and being biblically trained, she is grounded in the Word. Merging work and the word together, she inspires audiences, provides practical wisdom and brings an insight to church and business leaders.
She is a perfect fit for any church and high impact business leader looking for:
- Consulting and advising regarding women in the marketplace
- Spiritual growth and discipleship strategies for marketplace women
- Customized workshops and training
- Conferences and workshops
- Keynote speaking
For more information, visit the Resources section and check out the articles, especially The 3 Lies About Work that Have People Fooled. And subscribe to her blog.
Download her full bio and speaker’s sheet.
Email Helen today to see if she is a fit for your organization to disciple and mentor women in the marketplace.