Today’s CEO’s and business leaders are facing unprecedented financial, regulatory, market and competitive pressures.
Managing employees is more than a job for human resources. Multi generational differences in the workplace can be a source of innovation or conflict. Personal demands are weighed against the organization’s mission and purpose. The increase in employee’s personal and family problems is affecting productivity and performance. Marketplace Chaplains are quickly being embraced in many organizations.
No doubt about it. We are living in an increasingly more complex world. We are also living in a world of greater opportunity. We are living in a time where people are looking for problem solvers, innovators and leaders.
Today’s CEO’s and business leaders are facing unprecedented opportunities for influence through their leadership, business, employees and industry.
Acts 17:26 tells us that God determines the times and seasons in which people shall live and die. So no matter what you think about the world around you, God determined before the foundation of the world that NOW would be the time in all of history that your life would have the greatest impact.
Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good “works” which he planned long ago.
The word “works” in this passage is the Greek word ergon, which can mean business, employment, task, product developed or anything accomplished by hand, art, or industry.
So God determined before the foundation of the world that you would run a profitable business for his glory and for human flourishing. That gives a new perspective to life purpose and Faith@Work!
Helen was very instrumental in the ongoing execution of our strategic planning process during a period of 4 years.She has tremendous strategic skills and is a quick study (we are in a very high tech industry, cancer genomics).
We needed someone who was a strategic thinker that could manage our strategic planning process as well as coach the various stakeholders. Helen has a true servant leader approach and thus leads with influence and motivation which enabled her to have such success at Clarient given the variety of stakeholders involved (Physicians, PhDs, Finance, Marketing etc.).
The strategic plan she assisted us with ended in a sale to GE Healthcare for 5.8 times revenue…the highest ever in our industry.
Helen M. Mitchell is skilled at taking organizational paralysis and confusion and navigating toward solutions. Her training, experience, education and gifting’s allow her to see many of the moving parts and how they will interplay and affect each other.
As an advisor to the business leader, Helen helps inform of potential and unknown problems and hidden barriers to achieving people, organizational and financial goals. She also contributes to the leader’s vision to make it possible. Her faith and life experiences enable her to help the high impact business leader discern where God is in the midst of their business.
She is a perfect fit for any CEO and high impact business leader looking to:
- Envision and create a roadmap to the future
- Effective strategic development and execution
- Develop effective planning strategies
- Initiate, manage and lead change
- Build organizational competency and capability
- Evaluate the health of one’s company
- Increase one’s personal leadership impact
- Develop high performing leaders
- Increase employee motivation, purpose and contribution
- Grow the people and grow your business
- Develop a culture of innovation
- Build faith into the company from top to bottom
- Increase personal effectiveness and margins of time
In partnership with you, and for your business, this is accomplished by:
- Consulting and advising
- Half day leadership team retreats
- Customized workshops and training
- Conferences and workshops
- Keynote speaking
For more strategy and leadership information, visit the Resources section and check out the downloadable materials. Also, check out the Ministry Today cover article, Marketplace and the Church.
Visit the Consulting page for more detailed information.
Download her full bio and speaker’s sheet.
Email Helen today to explore how your church can take the next step in setting God’s people back to work for him.