Helen M. Mitchell is a strategist who stands at the intersection of the church and the marketplace.
As a strategic, organizational, leadership and Faith@Work consultant, she is partnering with pastors and high impact business leaders and CEO’s. Together, they are unlocking potential in order to transform people, organizations and communities. Her wisdom is infused with an understanding of God’s Word, God’s will and God’s ways.
She is bringing strategies, wisdom and experience into the local church to effectively establish and maintain faith, work and vocation ministry efforts. Helen is coming alongside pastors to understand and launch faith, work and economics within the culture and context of their own church and to effectively disciple marketplace believers. This is not a matter of adding a new program or embracing theology but managing a strategic organizational change in the local church. For what has taken churches years to develop is now being accomplished in a matter of months.
As a marketplace consultant, Helen is skilled at taking organizational paralysis and confusion and navigating toward solutions. Helen is coming alongside high impact business leaders and CEO’s as an advisor to build faith into the company from top to bottom, envision the future, develop effective planning strategies, build high levels of organizational capability and transformational leaders who can effectively collaborate and lead the implementation plans.
The most difficult thing to do and manage is change. From a parent helping a child embrace the change of teachers to a business implementing a new policy to a church launching a new initiative, change can be difficult and a lot of work. One significant reason that change is a lot of work is that it involves people. Most change efforts are intellectual and generally consist of trying to convince another why it is a good idea thus ignoring the whole of the person. And most change efforts fail or are limited in its effectiveness.
While there is no guarantee in managing change and implementing strategy, Helen Mitchell’s approach is three dimensional – personal, professional and spiritual. Helen brings her clients a perspective and a vantage point adding to their own leadership and giftedness in order to make better decisions. Both the pastor and a business leader have been entrusted with their organizations and the people, but potential and hidden barriers can hinder the achievement of mission, goals and objectives.
What We Do:
- Development and integration of strategies
- Advise in identifying, initiating and managing change
- Build transformational leaders and cohesive leadership teams
- Executive advisor, mentor and coach
- Development of people strategies
- Integration of faith into work
Outcomes To Be Expected:
- Strategic integration
- Sustainable results
- Culture of creativity and innovation
- Empowered and engaged employees
- Spiritual growth and whole life discipleship
- Development of capable leaders and high performing teams
- Increased organizational competency
Accelerating Growth and Transformation in the Local Church and in the Marketplace.
Email Helen today and see how she can add to your organization.
Download her Speaker’s Sheet and full bio and check out the articles and materials in the Resources section. Visit the Pastors and Business Leaders pages for more specific information.