What People are Saying…
Implementing Faith, Work and Economics in the Local Church
“Helen’s impact and investment in Emmanuel Faith Community Church has been invaluable. She brings a depth of character and a personal vibrancy to this topic, along with a credibility that inspires confidence and excitement in others. Her skillful leadership of meetings, ability to read a crowd and adjust to the tone of specific environments is masterful. As a church we are already reaping the benefits! Well done.”
The Intersection of Faith and Business
“The insight Helen provided is exactly what I was looking for. I have several Christian business and spiritual advisors, but none were able to tie business and faith together like she did. God has provided Helen with a unique gift to integrate the two in a way I have not experienced. The greater clarity in discerning God in my business and a depth of understanding of my employee’s needs and motivations has equipped me to better lead and grow my business.”
A Seasoned, Professional, Non-Traditional, Authentic Woman of Faith
“Helen has a true heart and love for women to use the gifts God has given them, wherever they are placed. When planning our Woven Conference, we wanted a speaker who had strong experience of leading others in the workplace, and who had a strong walk with the Lord in the process. Helen was well equipped in each area to address our group of business women.”“I asked Helen to speak at our conference because her experience and education have specifically positioned her to connect women to the truth of God’s Word and their purpose in leadership and the workplace. Helen is the same person up in front of the audience and one-on-one. Her transparency provides an open door for the audience to join her in God’s work in her life, as well as seeing His grace and how He is faithfully at work in each of their own lives. She is genuine, authentic, and passionate about equipping women to excel in their calling.”
Activating Marketplace Believers
“Helen was one of my best teachers as I was learning the importance of living one’s faith in the marketplace. She is a true encourager!”
“When I look at Helen I see a role model for the next generation. She builds bridges of mutual respect and trust by engaging in two-way conversation, listening and sharing her heart in return. Helen connects with others simply by seeking to understand them. When you talk with Helen, you know you are speaking with someone who truly cares about your personal and professional growth. I see her as a competent and successful Christian woman in business. She presents her message with gentle diplomacy, weaving God’s Word in with practical theory. Success for Helen Mitchell is helping others succeed.”
A Powerful Speaker with Executive Leadership and a Pastor’s Heart
“Helen Mitchell is an amazing blend of executive, pastor and teacher. As a speaker, Helen holds an audience with a commanding presence, speaking with clarity and authority while skillfully using inspiration, humor and powerful emotion to underscore key points. She is a powerful speaker. As an executive her incisive intellect quickly grasps vision, and her communication skills help her express it in concise language with a bias for action.She is a top executive and leader that expertly directs and motivates. Yet, in my opinion, it is her pastor’s heart that is most visible and impactful. Helen simply has the rare qualities of empathy and strength, wisdom and expression, comfort and calm that affords everyone in her presence the beauty and value of a trusted friend and confidante.
It is uncommon to find such a balance of three diverse disciplines in one person, but those of us that have been fortunate enough to work with Helen, serve with her, or enjoy one of her stellar speaking engagements will readily acknowledge that Helen is indeed one of those rare people.”
Taking it From the Marketplace and the Local Church into Academia
“Helen is a clear strategic thinker and problem solver. Helen is also very detail-oriented, while understanding and effectively developing the big picture. Helen knows how to get things done, the right things.During the fall 2011, Helen co-taught a graduate school course for pastors doing their M.Div. at Azusa Pacific University: Ministering to Christians in the Workplace. Helen did lectures, led discussions, and mentored several students. Helen provided an excellent, practical perspective that our students really valued. She lectures well and excels in discussion-based learning. Helen also displays the ability to integrate theological materials with her past experiences and current learning.
Helen works well with others and has a distinct ability to connect with, encourage and draw the best out of a wide range of people.”
From Vision and Concept to Actionable Plans
“This was an important meeting with many organizational leaders across the country. I didn’t know how this meeting would turn out. We had a brand new idea that needed to be tested. Helen exceeded my expectations in bringing the group together so that we ended up with plans to move forward with support from these leaders.”